“What if Facebook allowed exporting of all content you added and allowed you to take it to WordPress or Posterous etc? How would that change your opinion?” Those questions were asked by Chris Smith as part of the conversation on “Facebook Is Not The Internet, Nor Should It Be.” The question was a part of a […]
OC WordPress Developers Meetup Recap
Here are some brief highlights from tonights OC WordPress Developer meetup hosted at Zeek Interactive. Steve Zehngut – @Zengy FFox user agent plugin mentioned at #ocwp http://bit.ly/qzsShn Loren Nason did the initial presentation of the evening. He talked about his attempts to build a custom mobile theme for a wordpress site. I’m the least of the geeks […]
Tweets That Caught My Eye Today
Patrick Neeman – @usabilitycounts #ux “Just how do I design if not with prototyping? The short answer is ‘on paper.’” @mralancooper Some things never change. I can’t get away from pen and paper. Sometimes the fastest, easiest way to do something is still the old fashioned way. When I sit down to do a wireframe, […]