Who doesn’t like a little fun competition. Numbers are cool. If you hadn’t noticed, because you likely don’t go to your Google+ profile very often, Google has added a little number that is almost certain to get people talking about another irrelevant statistic. It is sure to be taken out of context and used in […]
Has Google Lapsed Into Newtonian Thinking?
“The Google I was passionate about was a technology company that empowered its employees to innovate. The Google I left was an advertising company with a single corporate-mandated focus,” James Whittaker wrote in Why I Left Google. “The days of old Google hiring smart people and empowering them to invent the future was gone. The […]
An Old Meeting Dog Learns New Hangout Tricks
Google+ Hangouts are all the rage today. They are the “new” shiny object in the social media world. For good reason, I think. In concept, they’re certainly not new however. In fact, they’re eerily similar to the Tokbox group video chats of old. Take a look at this conversation over mojitos that took place in […]
An Unscientific Look At The Health Of Google+ vs Facebook
One of my circles on Google+ has 43 people in it. Last night this circle became my test group for a one day “health” check. Yes, this is a very small, decidedly unscientific sample size. However, I would characterize the people in this specific circle as being very active in the use of social media. […]
Cross-Posting To Multiple Social Networks – Good Or Bad?
Maria Reyes McDavis – @websuccessdiva started using the publish sync extension! Visit: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sync I favorited Maria’s tweet over at Twitter a few days ago as a way of bookmarking it. Today I finally got back to it and I’ve decided to play with this a bit. I’m going to cross-post Twitter to Google+ and Facebook […]
Google Plus – I Don’t Need Another Walled Garden
I’ve been trying to put my finger on what bothers me about the new Google+ social offering. While surfing in a circle I’ve called “The Edge,” I found a thought provoking status update from Stowe Boyd around the way a “share” works. This sort of experiment might be good for people to compare plus.google to […]