For quite a long time I have been contemplating leaving Facebook and Facebook-owned properties.
I Want To Know What Facebook Knows About My Interactions
I already know that I’m unduly influenced by Facebook’s filtering systems, I just don’t know how much. How many people am I really interacting with? Facebook knows. Who are these people? Who have I never interacted with? Facebook knows. I want them to tell me.
Facebook Is Not Your Friend. Get Over It.
Two years ago I argued that Facebook Is Not The Internet, Nor Should It Be. The last few days of furor surrounding a very well written “Dear John” letter from Eat24 to Facebook (a beautiful piece of content marketing if I’ve ever seen one) has certainly proven that many are now awakening to this fact. […]
Facebook, Diversity, And Building New Cherished Relationships
I awoke to three new friend requests on Facebook this morning. One request was from a REALTOR® I have never heard of or met, a second from a guy who is friends with 11 real estate related people I know in Phoenix, but I have no clue who he is, none, and his Facebook page […]
Online Privacy Is A Misnomer
“It turns out that when I used my Facebook account to create my profile, Pinterest accessed my personal information to automatically have me start following common connections,” Elizabeth Lupfer writes. “In my book, Pinterest broke a basic tenet of online privacy: to not invasively use my online information.” I’m continually amazed when the cry goes out […]
What’s Missing From Facebook Archive Files?
“What if Facebook allowed exporting of all content you added and allowed you to take it to WordPress or Posterous etc? How would that change your opinion?” Those questions were asked by Chris Smith as part of the conversation on “Facebook Is Not The Internet, Nor Should It Be.” The question was a part of a […]