Here are some brief highlights from tonights OC WordPress Developer meetup hosted at Zeek Interactive.
Steve Zehngut – @Zengy
FFox user agent plugin mentioned at #ocwp
Loren Nason did the initial presentation of the evening. He talked about his attempts to build a custom mobile theme for a wordpress site. I’m the least of the geeks in the room tonight, they lost me on the loop discussions, but even I can find a use for FFox user agent. It effectively does what the “user agent” pull down in the developer features in Safari. Is there a Google Chrome equivalent?
Jon Brown – @jb510
LOREN – Look at this paste bin for the comment with your name #OCWP
Jason Tucker has been making our OC WordPress meetups available for viewing online for the last couple of meetings. The beauty of the live video streaming is the ability for comments, help, suggestions to come in from outside the room. Thanks, Jon, for joining in. We’ll need to make sure we have someone specifically monitoring the stream for these comments. The take away for me was Paste Bin. I like it. 🙂
Jon Brown – @jb510 #ocwp Server Buddy #ocwp
Dave Cole asked if anyone in the group new of a plugin that gave feedback on server/plugin compatibility issues. Suzette Franck recommended ServerBuddy. From their website: “ServerBuddy tests server configuration to look for problems with hosting configuration and determine compatibility with various WordPress themes and plugins. Additionally it provides easy to understand explanations of various server settings and generates reports and samples of what to ask your hosting provider if a problem is found with any server configuration that needs fixed. ServerBuddy is designed to be extremely powerful but still provide information in an easy to understand way for even a novice. Developers of themes and plugins for WordPress may submit definition files for ServerBuddy to allow users to test that a theme or plugin has compatibility with their server.” Note: I’ve not played with this plugin, but it sounds great.
alex vasquez – @alexjvasquez
More about @pressworkwp can be found at #ocwp
I learned about PressWork from Dave Cole earlier in the day, so I was happy to see this demo from Alex. It’s really new, so it’s a bit rough. Know what I know about what’s coming from Headway, I’m probably not going to invest much time in diving into it, but it’s work taking a look at, even if only from a conceptual standpoint. It’s functions all happen using HTML5 on the page itself.
And to close things up…
Oscar Gonzalez – @notagrouch
Only in a room full of geeks would you find a war between bbedit and textmate fans. LOL #ocwp
I was hoping this would get ugly, but it was actually quite tame. 🙂
Thanks man, I’m lookng forward to the new space and maybe working with you guys on a better streaming system.
I attended for the first time last night. Great meeting, way better than I anticipated and I’m glad I went. Thanks to everyone for the great presentations and thanks Jeff for including me in the recap.
I love tech wars, brings out the geek in us. I’ll see you guys next time.