Every time I allowed myself to think I had arrived, I hadn’t. Every time I called myself a failure, I wasn’t. Every moment – each high and each low – was simply a step on the path to this moment. Period.
Success Is Dependent On Effort
“The only disability in life is a bad attitude #truu” My nephew posted that on his Facebook wall today. It’s a popular way to think. And the first response from one of his friends was, “Varner used to tell us that the only thing life you have a 100% control over is your attitude.” It’s a […]
The Direct Connection Between Values And Success
Your values are your true brand. I believe this without reservation. There is real power in clearly identifying and articulating your core mission and values, and making them a prominent behavior driver, both in your business and in your personal life. Two stories caught my eye this past week and they each take a different approach to […]