I was delighted to be a guest on RAW Nights with Kelly Mitchell. She invited me to talk about Dashter and social media, but as is often the case, the conversation turned to social media and technology in general.
My personal opinion is that the hyper focus on the importance of “new technology” has created irrational fears and irrational behavior. It’s as if people feel that they’re going to have to change something at the core of their being in order to use these new communication tools and channels to their benefit. Their actions show this to be true. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Carol Farrar – @carolfarrar
RT @tericonrad: Realtors kicking butt in Social Space are still kicking butt in the traditional space as well ~@respres #RAWre
The notion that you can choose one method of reaching people over another in todays world is silly. Ignoring channels that allow you to connect with consumers out of fear is a result of a lack of understanding, not the need to acquire new skills.
billlublin – @billlublin
@respres “the way I do business hasn’t changed with the internet- they way I get to the point of doing business has changed” #rawRE
And this is the real point. (I’m now going to channel Linda Davis) If you weren’t good at your business before you hopped into social media, you’re not going to magically get better at it because you have a shiny new tool. The behavioral skills required to build and sustain a business today have not changed as new tools have appeared to help people see that you possess those behavioral skills.
It’s not about technology. It never has been. It never will be.
As usual you bring reason to the craziness! Love Dashter….can’t wait to get my WordPress up and running so I can play! Thanks for sharing your wisdom Jeff.
Jeff, we agree upon this so thoroughly that when I listen to you I’m never sure if its you speaking or the voices in my head 😉
Great job on Kelly’s program –
I know, Bill. I do see the pendulum swinging back toward the center on this lately. More and more people are quelling the cries of the impending doom of anything NOT web 2.0 or social media technology related. The basic ingredients for business success are still the same. Those who can execute on those behaviors will win, regardless of the tools they use.
Implementation and execution are both priceless and shiny new thing agnostic…