“I can help with that.”
Those words drew me into the real estate technology space more than fifteen years ago. After spending numerous prior years building a fast-growing, highly profitable digital pre-media company, the real estate space was one I had never considered entering. Opportunity and a strong instinct in the digital real estate space turned out to be more than fleeting — it was the right idea at the right time.
In 2003, I was one of a rapidly growing group of founders and entrepreneurs who wanted to tackle the way real estate was done through technology and leadership. And we did. Now there is a new generation of hungry real estate founders, entrepreneurs, and technologists — with more exciting work to be done, and a challenging industry to navigate.
I’ve been honored, intrigued and excited to be approached by leaders of startups attempting to enter the real estate space over the years. My excitement for them continues to this day. They’re looking for advice, guidance, and leadership. Some are homegrown and others are based beyond our borders. In every case, the North American real estate space is a bit of a mystery to them. From the early days of Real Estate Shows to RealSatisfied and immoviewer, the business strategies I’ve learned — and even failed at — will help others that are just getting started.
I’ve come to this realization – I want to do more.
I want to help more. I want to build more. I want to share more of what I’ve learned. So, while helping has always been a part of my personal life, today I’m announcing that I’ve decided to make it a larger part of my professional life. I’m not one for titles, but I’m expanding on the relationships I have, the companies and founders I help, and the opportunities for growth and traction that I can share through my experience. For me, it’s the right idea at the right time.
Consultant. Speaker. Advisor.
If you’re the founder of a start-up looking for help understanding how to navigate the complexities of the North American real estate industry…
“I can help you with that.”
If you’re a conference organizer looking for a speaker who thrives at the intersection of technology and human behavior, who can energize an audience and remind them to never allow our innovations to move us away from the characteristics and behaviors that make us uniquely human…
“I can help you with that.”
And if you’re a real estate company executive looking for a hand in evaluating and introducing new technology…
“I can help you with that too.”
My work will continue at immoviewer.
Over the last year as North American CEO, we’ve built and launched an exciting new product and we’ve set a new foundation upon which to grow immoviewer’s original residential real estate virtual tour platform. During the process of laying out that strategy, we instinctively discovered an opportunity in a different market and developed a product, DocuSketch™, aimed at the home restoration, inspection, and appraisal space. DocuSketch™ will be the company’s new primary focus moving forward.
I’m going to assist with the launch of DocuSketch™ and will continue to work
It’s the right time.
If you’re ready to create something special from the ground up, I can help.
[…] I wrote about a new adventure on January 1, I said, “I’ve come to this realization – I want to do more. I want to help […]