“Can I help you?”
“Yes,” I said. “I’d like to buy this Gateway netbook” If you know me, that’s not a sentence I thought would ever come out of my mouth. But that’s the whole point of this story. I wasn’t buying it for me, I was buying it for Mary, the first of the girls at St. Monica’s Children’s Home in Kenya to go to college. It is being provided for her by Drew Meyers. Drew is off on new adventures and starting a new company, ESM Exec Designs. And he’s building it with a social conscience. For every custom site he builds, he is donating one laptop to an individual or non-profit organization somewhere in the developing world. Mothers Fighting For Others, and Mary, are the first to benefit from his generosity.
“Do you like this computer,” the salesman asked? “No, but I’ve been to three stores to find a netbook and this is the only one I can find,” I replied. “I’m not picky right now.”
He began to tell me why it was probably not going to be something I wanted. He rattled off issues with it’s speed and processor power, and something about screen size. If I had not been in a hurry, I might have let him finish. But I was only five hours from leaving for Kenya, so I stopped him short. “Listen, I’m leaving for Kenya in five hours and this is for a young Kenyan girl who is going off to college. We received a $300 donation specifically for this. She’s the first girl from our children’s home there to graduate and be accepted to college.”
He paused for a second and said, “Well, that certainly does change your perspective on things, doesn’t it?”
Yes it does. I’m thankful for this 10-inch Gateway LT2805u mini netbook right now. And thankful for Drew. I am quite certain Mary will be too.
I need to look at things from a different perspective more often.
Hey Jeff-
All I have to say is…thank you. Rocky and you are truly an inspiration to all of us. With ESM, I’m just doing my small part to help improve the lives of others. Why? Because we are beyond fortunate to be born into a life in the US where virtually anything is possible. The world is not a level playing field. Unfortunately, where you are born (largely) determines the quality of your life, and the vast majority born into the world aren’t given an equal chance to succeed in life. Every little thing we can do to help level the playing field is a win in my book.
“If you’re not making someone else’s life better, you’re wasting your time.” – Will Smith
“The world is not a level playing field. Unfortunately, where you are born (largely) determines the quality of your life, and the vast majority born into the world aren’t given an equal chance to succeed in life. Every little thing we can do to help level the playing field is a win in my book.” I could NOT have said that better!
On the “level playing field” angle, I make a point to go back and read this post every few months as a reminder – http://www.drewmeyersinsights.com/2007/09/20/if-this-doesnt-hit-you-like-a-rock-i-dont-know-what-will/
Every time I read it, I still get a knot in my stomach.
I just love, love, love this post on many different levels.
I’ll just address it from a tech point of view … my guess is that you were thrilled to get just about every new computer … because it was better than what you had been using before.
I created my very first web site on an Apple Quadra 840av
Release date July 29, 1993
Introductory price 3500
Discontinued July 18, 1994
It would have just celebrated its 18th birthday.
And you know what? In principal (except for speed and different software) I could pretty much use it right now to update my web site.
So when you hear people talk about their [phone, computer, etc.] being “obsolete” because it’s not the latest and greatest … just think of Mary. What is “old” to you can open up a whole new world for someone else.
Jeff & Drew – Let’s hope that this inspires more socially conscious businesses. Since its inception, our company selects new charities each year whom we donate a percentage of our profits. But I love Drew’s idea of donating a laptop – what an incredible gift for that young girl in Kenya! Have a safe trip, Jeff!
I’m not sure what I’m more excited about – Mary going to college, you getting to present her with a laptop, or Drew’s awesome gift.
Those netbooks are worth their weight in gold for students around the world and at home.
Drew, that is so awesome. You just opened up the entire world for Mary. I know she will be so happy. I can’t wait to see the amazing things she gets to do with her life. It is so nice to know so many wonderful people.
Just a beautiful, and beautifully told, story.
Thanks Drew that is amazing…. Mary is going to love it and is so deserving. xoxo
You know what, I have a virtually brand new netbook sitting in my office. I’ve been wondering what to do with it and I think I’ve just found the perfect spot. What say you MFFO? Could you find a home for this netbook?
Dale, we have the perfect person, hopefully. Damaris took her entrance tests and we’ll know the results in April! Awesome!
Vitamins vs. Pain Killers.
For Mary, the computer is a pain killer that will take her places and help her do things she may have never imagined.
A little more speed, a little better processor, a little bigger screen – all nice to have but are measly vitamins that Mary can live without.
WTG Drew, Jeff and crew – making the world a better place.
Drew that is an awesome pick for your first computer giveaway! Thank you! I am sure it will make a huge difference for Mary.
If many of us could do the same the world would be a better place.Drew thank you for making a difference in someone else’s life.